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Cook family
Cook family
Cook family in front of home "Royal Villa," 528 Constance Avenue
Cook family in front of home "Royal Villa," 528 Constance Avenue
Cook family in front of their home at 525-527 Nelson Street
Cook family in front of their home at 525-527 Nelson Street
Diane Forster and Albert Lodge at 525 Nelson Street
Diane Forster and Albert Lodge at 525 Nelson Street
Dianne Forster dressed up for a dance
Dianne Forster dressed up for a dance
Edgington boys
Edgington boys
Emily Cook Forster on her 75th birthday, April 22, 1988, at her home 525 Nelson Street
Emily Cook Forster on her 75th birthday, April 22, 1988, at her home 525 Nelson Street
Emily Cook Forster with her children, Dianne and Glenn
Emily Cook Forster with her children, Dianne and Glenn
Emily Forster in Fulmer's drugstore
Emily Forster in Fulmer's drugstore
Esquimalt Public School Certificate for Writing awarded to Emily Cook
Esquimalt Public School Certificate for Writing awarded to Emily Cook