Affichage de 18 résultats

Description archivistique
1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Lowell Winchester fonds
CA PR192 · Fonds · 1876-1993

Fonds consists of photographs and written histories of Esquimalt's first graving dock and HMC Dockyard. Fonds also includes construction documents, architectural sketches, and a list of Navy ships that docked between 1985-1994.

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Pooley family fonds
CA PR263 · Fonds · 1847-1948

Fonds primarily consists of family photos of the Pooley family, and their residences "Fernhill" and "Lyndhurst". Fonds also includes some photos from Robert Henry Pooley's political campaign, Esquimalt Harbour and HMC Dockyard, and the United Services Golf Course at Macaulay Point. Textual records include written accounts of family history and activities.

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Wheeley family fonds
CA PR055 · Fonds · [ca. 1920]-1945, 1986

Fonds consists of WWII era objects and materials, including but not limited to, civil defence objects, and rationing and regulation documents. Fonds also includes a taped interview with the donor about Esquimalt United Church, 1911-1986.

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Jack van Dalen fonds
CA PR004 · Fonds · 1900-2008

The fonds consists of photographs of various Esquimalt scenes, including homes, naval and military subjects, Esquimalt parks projects and public events, such as Buccaneer Days. Also included are various stories authored by Jack Van Dalen.

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Dunlop family fonds
CA PR010 · Fonds · 1902-1988

The fonds consists of correspondence, newsclippings, and family history of the Dunlop family along with family photographs, including those depicting scenes and people in Esquimalt.

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Stephenson family fonds
CA PR188 · Fonds · 1880-1992

Fonds consists of photos and a written history of the Stephenson family.

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Harold Watson fonds
CA PR191 · Fonds · 1906-1945

Fonds consists of photos of classes and sports at Lampson St. School including written reminicences by the donor, and a photo of confiscated liquor being destroyed during prohibition.

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Redhead family fonds
CA PR415 · Fonds · 1891-1951, 1976, [ca.1989]

Fonds consists primarily of school records for the Redhead children from Lampson Street School and Esquimalt Public School, including photographs, certificates, journals, and report cards. Additionally, the fonds consists of materials related to Robert Redhead's support for the Esperanto language, including post cards written in Esperanto sent to him from all over the world, a programme for an event written in Esperanto, an educational book about the language, and a letter from the publisher of an Esperanto newspaper. The fonds also consists of letters of recommendation and engineering certificates for Robert Redhead and a memoir written by Eleanor Redhead.

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Ockenden family fonds
CA PR160 · Fonds · [ca. 1900]-1942

The fonds consists of photographs of the Ockenden family and scenes of Esquimalt, as well as memorabilia and reminiscences.

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