Affichage de 16 résultats

Description archivistique
Jack van Dalen fonds
CA PR004 · Fonds · 1900-2008

The fonds consists of photographs of various Esquimalt scenes, including homes, naval and military subjects, Esquimalt parks projects and public events, such as Buccaneer Days. Also included are various stories authored by Jack Van Dalen.

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Dunlop family fonds
CA PR010 · Fonds · 1902-1988

The fonds consists of correspondence, newsclippings, and family history of the Dunlop family along with family photographs, including those depicting scenes and people in Esquimalt.

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Alfred Harvey fonds
CA PR042 · Fonds · 1900-1924, 1986

Fonds consists of written reminiscences of the Alfred Harvey's childhood in Esquimalt, as well as family photos from around Esquimalt. Fonds also contains a significant number of locally designed and printed Christmas cards by Cyril and Beth Connorton.

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William R. Nunn fonds
CA PR048 · Fonds · ca. 1900-1945

The fonds consists of photographs of vessels in Esquimalt Graving Dock; William Robert Nunn and his grandfather Robert Henry Nunn; and William's house. It also includes Nunn family documents (copies); a scrapbook and clippings relating to the Royal Canadian Navy during World War II; and notes on his grandfather and the history of his house.

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Wheeley family fonds
CA PR055 · Fonds · [ca. 1920]-1945, 1986

Fonds consists of WWII era objects and materials, including but not limited to, civil defence objects, and rationing and regulation documents. Fonds also includes a taped interview with the donor about Esquimalt United Church, 1911-1986.

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Alfred Charles Wurtele fonds
CA PR057 · Fonds · 1902-1996

The fonds consists of photographs of Commander Wurtele, scenes of Esquimalt and staff of the Esquimalt municipal government; text of a radio speech; and a written history of the Wurtele family 1792-1992, along with other written and taped reminiscences about living in Esquimalt.

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Harriet Westby fonds
CA PR099 · Fonds · [ca. 1903]-1919, 1989

Fonds contains photographs and documents pertaining to military activities in Esquimalt, as well as handwritten reminicences from the donor about living in Esquimalt.

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Emery family fonds
CA PR112 · Fonds · 1770-1998

Fonds consists of textual records and photographs of the Emery family in Esquimalt including, but not limited to: Esquimalt scenes, Lampson St. School class photos, and an Army pay book. Fonds also includes family trees that date back to 1773, and the diary of Samuel Emery's voyage (1893) across the Atlantic and eventual settlement in the Port Renfrew area.

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Ockenden family fonds
CA PR160 · Fonds · [ca. 1900]-1942

The fonds consists of photographs of the Ockenden family and scenes of Esquimalt, as well as memorabilia and reminiscences.

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Stephenson family fonds
CA PR188 · Fonds · 1880-1992

Fonds consists of photos and a written history of the Stephenson family.

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