Mostrando 178 resultados

Descripción archivística
William R. Nunn fonds
CA PR048 · Fondo · ca. 1900-1945

The fonds consists of photographs of vessels in Esquimalt Graving Dock; William Robert Nunn and his grandfather Robert Henry Nunn; and William's house. It also includes Nunn family documents (copies); a scrapbook and clippings relating to the Royal Canadian Navy during World War II; and notes on his grandfather and the history of his house.

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William T. Rutherford fonds
CA PR051 · Fondo · [ca. 1922]-1966

The fonds consists of photographs depicting scenes of Esquimalt and the Thoburn Garage. Fonds includes a certificate and ephemera, such as business cards, a blank invoice, and WW2 gasoline ration stamps.

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Barney Steel collection
CA PR052 · Fondo · 1897-1995

Collection mainly consists of photos taken by the donor of people and scenery as part of his work as a freelance photographer.

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Toyo Takata fonds
CA PR053 · Fondo · [ca. 1905]-1934

The fonds consists of photographs of the Japanese Tea Gardens in Esquimalt, B.C. and of the Takata family.

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Wheeley family fonds
CA PR055 · Fondo · [ca. 1920]-1945, 1986

Fonds consists of WWII era objects and materials, including but not limited to, civil defence objects, and rationing and regulation documents. Fonds also includes a taped interview with the donor about Esquimalt United Church, 1911-1986.

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Sara Wright fonds
CA PR056 · Fondo · ca. 1915-1945

Fonds consists of 2 photographs showing local vehicle transportation on Esquimalt Road, as well as 1 Canadian postal card.

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Alfred Charles Wurtele fonds
CA PR057 · Fondo · 1902-1996

The fonds consists of photographs of Commander Wurtele, scenes of Esquimalt and staff of the Esquimalt municipal government; text of a radio speech; and a written history of the Wurtele family 1792-1992, along with other written and taped reminiscences about living in Esquimalt.

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Frank Bendall fonds
CA PR058 · Fondo · 1945-1947

The fonds consists of photographs depicting streets, buildings and general scenes of Esquimalt, B.C.

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Ernest Benischek collection
CA PR059 · Fondo · 1915-07-22

Collection consists of one High school entrance certificate from Esquimalt Public School.

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Conway family fonds
CA PR062 · Fondo · ca. 1900-1960

Fonds consists of photographs of the Conway and Atkins families, scenes of Esquimalt, and Hatley Castle Construction.

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