Affichage de 5 résultats

Description archivistique
J.W. Madill fonds
CA PR117 · Fonds · 1887, 1921-1925, [ca. 1965]

Fonds predominantly consists of photographs that document the construction of the Esquimalt Graving Dock in the 1920s, which replaced the original graving dock in the area.

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Jack Weber fonds
CA PR248 · Fonds · 1851-2002

Fonds consists of records mostly related to Jack Weber's employment at Yarrows, including but not limited to, photos of and information on the Dockyard and employees, Christmas cards created for Yarrows, and an invitation to a Preseident's Award dinner.

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Ken Steer fonds
CA PR360 · Fonds · 1947-1991

Fonds includes materials created during Ken Steer's career at Yarrows, including photos of Yarrows employee events, and vessels during construction, predominantly the "Jacob Henkel" ferry.

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David Metcalfe fonds
CA PR414 · Fonds · 1880-2000

Fonds consists of Yarrow's history and resources as compiled by David Metcalfe and Jack Weber.

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Yarrows Ltd. Fonds
CA PR419 · Fonds · 1927-1988

Fonds consists of two administrative volumes for Yarrows Ltd. Including stock issued June 1927-April 1942 and Pattern Shop orders 1928-1932. Fonds also consists of photographs and books of ships, equipment, employees and other activities of Yarrows Ltd.

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