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Gorge Park postcard
CA PR003-984-004-005 · Stuk · 1908
Part of Jack Boutilier fonds

Hand-coloured postcard of "a restful nook in B.C. Electric Railway Co's Park at the Gorge, Victoria, British Columbia." Postcard from an Aunt Pollie to her niece, Mrs. Freda Small.

Velma Petch fonds
CA PR006 · Archief · 1920-1930

The fonds consists of photographs of Lampson Street School classes, choirs and groups.

Zonder titel
CA PR006-984-009-001 · Stuk · ca. 1925
Part of Velma Petch fonds

Group photo of students in costume for a play. Identification: Evelyn Duffield, Velma Jacklin (Petch), Elsie Warswick, Violet Painter, Dorothy Cave, Donald Warder, Bill Campbell, Cecil Pearse, George Blythe, Ian Wallace, Frank Elston, Alan Wright, Jack Field, Frank Neal, Cliff Stephens.

CA PR006-984-009-002 · Stuk · 1926
Part of Velma Petch fonds

Class photo, Div. 1: Bill Fromson, Ian Wallace, Ralph Stratford, Charles Eva, Cecil Pearce, Theo Waters, Dorothy Scott, Eileen Thomas, Dorothy Hicks, Hilda Greaves, Bill Langdon, Helen Rood, May Philips, J. E. Sanders (teacher), Velma Jacklin, Dola Greaves, Ruth Thompson, Evelyn Duffield, Tom Tams, Ian Campbell, John Oliver, Charlie Frankham, Victor Rowson, George Leith, Alec Frame, Norman Wallace