Photograph of family camping outing with some names on back of photograph. Grandfather Leeming at back. Dolly and David Leeming and Grandma Leeming, extreme right.
Photo of south side of 1300 block Esquimalt Road. Businesses are Esquimalt Meat Market, Mr. Craven's Plumbing Shop (with house behind), drug store, Western Supply Store. Streetcar track is visible on north side of unpaved road. On the far north side of Esquimalt Rd. is the Coach and Horses Hotel.
Photo showing Chief Gil Stancombe in front of 1949 Studebaker Sedan at the former Municipal Hall.
Photo of Constable Paul Hicks at old Municipal Hall
Photo of Reeve Alfred Wurtele holding gift received from the Esquimalt Police Department in Council Chambers. Bill Allen is left front. Others unidentified.
Photo of Constable Grant [Twamley] in parking lot off Esquimalt Road looking east. Volkswagon and Esquimalt Police vehicle in foreground.
Photo of foundation work of Public Safety Building, including a view of Old Municipal Hall and surroundings.
Photo of foundation work of Public Safety Building, including a view of Dell's Variety Store on Esquimalt Road.
Photo of communications office in Municipal Hall basement, former location of the police-fire station. L-R: Dispatcher Bill Glover, Sgt Jack Wright and Constable Herb Wetherall.
Photo of old police station under former Municipal Hall facing Park Place. Constable Graham Brown shown.