The fonds consists of photographs of Esquimalt, with special emphasis on Gorge Park, including the Japanese Gardens. Also includes a video recording of Toyo Takata speaking to a group interested in forming the Takata Gardens Society.
Zonder titelThe fonds consists of registers (1925-1941) and of lists of students at Esquimalt High School (1926-1938), photographs of the school and students (1938-1940) and photographs of reunions in 1986 and 1987.
Zonder titelFonds consists of a ribbon and pin from the Esquimalt Speed Skating Club, and photos of the house, "Mount Adelaide" on Dunsmuir Road, taken by G. Hanson, Nurse Companion to Ada Matson who lived in the house.
Zonder titelFonds consists of photographs of Gorge Park, including the canoe regatta on the Gorge. Some originals, including some postcards, appear to have been prepared for publication.
Zonder titelThe fonds consists of photographs of the Japanese Tea Gardens in Esquimalt, B.C. and of the Takata family.
Zonder titelThe fonds consists of photographs of Marshall home on 452 Foster St. in Esquimalt, B.C.
Zonder titelThe fonds consists of constitution, minutes, correspondence, clippings, financial reports and ephemera of the society; photographs of Lampson Street School, including classes, and society participation in Buccaneer Days; and architectural plans of the school.
Zonder titelThe fonds consists of photographs of Mount Adelaide, a home originally owned by Henry and Mary Croft (nee Dunsmuir), on Dunsmuir Road.
Zonder titelThe fonds consists of photographs of the Esquimalt memorial cairn ceremony on Apr. 10, 1989.
Zonder titelThe fonds consists of photographs of Lampson Street School classes, choirs and groups.
Zonder titel