Affichage de 5 résultats

Description archivistique
Durrant family fonds
CA PR011 · Fonds · ca. 1859-1999

The fonds consists of photographs of commerce, business establishments and other scenes of Esquimalt. Most of the photographs captures events celebrating Esquimalt's 75th Anniversary such as the World Jr. Curling Championship, Freedom of Municipality, 3rd Battalion PPCLI and Old Drydock 100th anniversary. The fonds also includes oral histories Gladys Durrant conducted with notable Esquimalt residents: Frederick Lock, Frank Elston and Mrs. Christina Ord.

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Wheeley family fonds
CA PR055 · Fonds · [ca. 1920]-1945, 1986

Fonds consists of WWII era objects and materials, including but not limited to, civil defence objects, and rationing and regulation documents. Fonds also includes a taped interview with the donor about Esquimalt United Church, 1911-1986.

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Alfred Charles Wurtele fonds
CA PR057 · Fonds · 1902-1996

The fonds consists of photographs of Commander Wurtele, scenes of Esquimalt and staff of the Esquimalt municipal government; text of a radio speech; and a written history of the Wurtele family 1792-1992, along with other written and taped reminiscences about living in Esquimalt.

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Claire Muir collection
CA PR243 · Fonds · 1928-1994

Fonds consists of materials collected by Clair Muir in preparation for the Silver Threads Writers' Group book, "Seafarers, Saints and Sinners," including an interview with Diane Brown, and 3 photographs of the Brown family. Diane's father was the owner of Christensen's Garage which he built in 1934.

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Jack Stevens fonds
CA PR348 · Fonds · 1903-1999

Fonds consists of photographs of military installations in Esquimalt during WWII, including oral history tapes of army memories with transcription. Fonds also includes photos of Jack Stevens, and one of a Lampson St. School class.

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