Esquimalt (B.C). Esquimalt Police-Fire Department

Identity area

Type of entity

Corporate body

Authorized form of name

Esquimalt (B.C). Esquimalt Police-Fire Department

Parallel form(s) of name

    Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

      Other form(s) of name

        Identifiers for corporate bodies

        Description area

        Dates of existence



        Before incorporation, policing in the dockyard and village was carried out at different times by the Dominion Police, the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. After 1912, this task was undertaken by the Esquimalt Municipal Police, the Esquimalt Police-Fire Department and the Victoria Police Department. Early police constables were also unofficially responsible for fire protection as the Fire Marshall position was held by the Police Chief. In September 1943, Council informed the Board of Police Commissioners that police officers would also be the official firefighters for the municipality. In 1957, the title Police-Fire Chief replaced Police Chief and Fire Marshall.

        The Esquimalt Police-Fire Department was one of the few dual police-fires services in Canada. The force withstood many challenges from within the department and from both council and taxpayers to separate. In 1964, the police union tried to negotiate itself out of firefighting duties. Difficulties surfaced again in the late 1970s after a major fire. These difficulties were temporarily solved with more personnel and better training for all members of the department. Another change took place in the 1980s when a designated police officer with no firefighting responsibilities was authorized to serve on every shift.

        In 2002, at the request of Mayor Ray Rice of Esquimalt and Mayor Alan Lowe of Victoria, the Solicitor General, the Honourable Rich Coleman announced the separation of the dual force. The policing of Esquimalt became the responsibility of an amalgamated City of Victoria and Township of Esquimalt police force under the guidance of the Victoria and Esquimalt Police Board. Mayor Darwin Robinson of Esquimalt (newly elected in 2002) reversed a similar plan to amalgamate fire services and instead approved the formation of the Esquimalt Fire Department in 2003.


        Legal status

        Functions, occupations and activities

        Mandates/sources of authority

        Internal structures/genealogy

        General context

        Relationships area

        Access points area

        Subject access points

        Place access points


        Control area

        Authority record identifier


        Institution identifier

        Rules and/or conventions used


        Level of detail

        Dates of creation, revision and deletion

        Created 2022-01-27 - Jessica Nichol




            Sherri Robinson, Esquimalt Centennial 1912-2012," (Esquimalt: ?, 2012), pg 28-32.

            Maintenance notes