Showing 16 results

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Army Cadets on Lampson Street School grounds
Army Cadets on Lampson Street School grounds
Army cadets on the steps of Lampson Street School
Army cadets on the steps of Lampson Street School
Butler family at 828 Devonshire Road
Butler family at 828 Devonshire Road
CPS Basketball team, Victoria District Open and Knockout Champs
CPS Basketball team, Victoria District Open and Knockout Champs
Division 12, Lampson Street School, 1947
Division 12, Lampson Street School, 1947
Division 14, Lampson Street School, 1946
Division 14, Lampson Street School, 1946
Division 16, Lampson Street School, 1945
Division 16, Lampson Street School, 1945
Division 3, Lampson Street School, 1951
Division 3, Lampson Street School, 1951
Division 6, Lampson Street School, 1950
Division 6, Lampson Street School, 1950
Divison 8, Lampson Street School, 1949
Divison 8, Lampson Street School, 1949