Showing 28 results

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Bathing Beach at Gorge Park
Bathing Beach at Gorge Park
Bathing house on the Gorge Waterway
Bathing house on the Gorge Waterway
Bathing in the 'Arm' above the Gorge at the B.C. Electric Railway Co's Park
Bathing in the 'Arm' above the Gorge at the B.C. Electric Railway Co's Park
Boating on the Gorge
Boating on the Gorge
Canoe race at the Gorge
Canoe race at the Gorge
Canoe races up the Gorge
Canoe races up the Gorge
Canoeing under Gorge bridge
Canoeing under Gorge bridge
Group activity in Gorge Park
Group activity in Gorge Park
Ice Cream Parlour at the Gorge
Ice Cream Parlour at the Gorge
Japanese boat at the Gorge
Japanese boat at the Gorge