CA PR012-000-005-052
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1953
Parte de James Findlay fonds
29 resultados con objetos digitales
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CA PR012-000-005-066
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1945
Parte de James Findlay fonds
Photo of group outside Bull Dog's cafe.
CA PR012-v990-012-002
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1889
Parte de James Findlay fonds
Photo of streetcar on Esquimalt Road, near St. Paul's "dip."
CA PR012-000-005-014
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1952
Parte de James Findlay fonds
CA PR012-000-005-048
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1949
Parte de James Findlay fonds
CA PR012-000-005-065
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1950
Parte de James Findlay fonds
Photo of Douglas [?] on Esquimalt Road, with McLeod and Coulter Garage and Tudor house in background.
CA PR012-000-005-076
Unidad documental simple
Parte de James Findlay fonds
Photo of the interior of Tudor House. L-R: Norm Tapping, Jim Floyd, Jim Findlay, George Kraeling.
CA PR012-v986-012-017
Unidad documental simple
Parte de James Findlay fonds
Photo of Esquimalt Lions tag day with the following participants L-R: Eric Harb inson, Jim Bryant, Mrs. Smith, Vern Fillman. Stelck's Hardware Store in background.
CA PR012-v989-020-028
Unidad documental simple
Parte de James Findlay fonds
Photo of Lois & Evelyn Dabinett behind the counter of their Dad's store, 1249 Esquimalt Rd.
CA PR012-v989-020-073
Unidad documental simple
Parte de James Findlay fonds
Photo of Jim Findlay on Constance Avenue at Esquimalt Road. Dr. McCallum house in background.