Affichage de 4 résultats

Description archivistique
1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Marjorie Hawker fonds
CA PR070 · Fonds · 1870-1995

The fonds consists of photographs of the Coton family in Esquimalt, depicting the family's corner store, involvement with St. Pauls Church, military service, schools, as well as various scenes in Esquimalt.

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Kathleen Kaye fonds
CA PR073 · Fonds · [ca. 1965]-2010

The fonds largely consists of photographs and negatives of scenes around Esquimalt including, but not limited to, buildings under construction, sailboat races at Gorge Park, and the Buccaneer Days parade. Fonds also includes an indigenous artifact found in donor's backyard, and sketches of Cole Island.

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Cramb family fonds
CA PR490 · Fonds · 1907-1983

The fonds primarily consists of records created by George Cramb as an employee of Yarrows Ltd, including personal and business correspondence, receipts, financial records, a diary (1961), a booklet containing ship information, blueprints, drawings, and photographs of ship repairs. Fonds also includes certificates and miscellaneous papers of Lillian Mary Cramb, and photographs of the Cramb family.

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