Affichage de 16 résultats

Description archivistique
4 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Mark Aitken fonds
CA PR164 · Fonds · [ca. 185-]-1997

Fonds consists of photographs of Lampson Street School classes, colour slides of Lampson St School before and after restoration in 1993, and textual records and a photo documenting vandalism at Lampson St School. Fonds includes photographs of Esquimalt heritage houses and several artifacts including coasters from the Gorge Hotel, and a matchbook folder from the Halfway House.

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Spencer family fonds
CA PR341 · Fonds · [ca. 1880-1960]

Fonds consists of photographs of Esquimalt scenes and people, including the Spencer family. Fonds also includes textual records that belonged to the Spencer family that include but are not limited to, correspondence, land sale documents, financial and identification records.

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Emily Forster fonds
CA PR202 · Fonds · 1861-1991

The fonds consists of photographs of Emily Forster and the Cook family in Esquimalt, two certificates from Esquimalt Public School awarded to Emily Cook, a book about the history of HMCS Naden, and 12 artifacts, including but not limited to, commemorative coins and military memorabilia.

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Kathleen Kaye fonds
CA PR073 · Fonds · [ca. 1965]-2010

The fonds largely consists of photographs and negatives of scenes around Esquimalt including, but not limited to, buildings under construction, sailboat races at Gorge Park, and the Buccaneer Days parade. Fonds also includes an indigenous artifact found in donor's backyard, and sketches of Cole Island.

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