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54 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
Gorge Waterway postcard
CA PR003-984-004-001 · Unidad documental simple · 1907
Parte de Jack Boutilier fonds

B&W postcard depicting the Gorge Waterway and bridge. Postcard is a drawing, not a photograph. Postcard is address to Freda Small.

The Gorge waterway
CA PR005-984-007-006 · Unidad documental simple · ca. 1925
Parte de Ruth Craven fonds

Photograph of the Gorge in the 1920's, with Gorge Bridge in background.

Gorge Regatta
CA PR023-995-045-013 · Unidad documental simple · ca. 1890
Parte de Sherri Robinson fonds

Photo of a canoe regatta on the Gorge Waterway held on May 24.