Photo of children lining up for a race. Millicent Hughes 3rd from right. Municipal Hall is in background left.
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CA PR129-994-090-005
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1932
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
CA PR129-994-090-001
Unidad documental simple
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
Photo of Millie Hughes standing on running board of car on Esuqimalt Rd at Head St.
CA PR129-994-090-003
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1931
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
Photo of Millicent Hughes at 6 years old. Thoburn Garage at far left in background.
CA PR129-994-090-004
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1931
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
Photo of Margaret Hughes, donor's mother, Millicent Hughes, and her Aunt Sylvie in front of Maynard Home on the northeast corner of Head St. & Esquimalt Rd.
CA PR129-994-090-008
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1927
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
CA PR129-994-090-025
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1950
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
Photo of Ken Buckley, Millicent Buckley's son, on a trycycle. Thoburn apartments in background.
CA PR129-994-090-002
Unidad documental simple
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
Photo of Margaret Hughes holding Millicent Hughes, Sam Murray Hughes standing in front. Photo taken outside Esquimalt Road home.
CA PR129-994-090-029
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1951
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
CA PR129-994-090-045
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1929
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
CA PR129-994-090-007
Unidad documental simple
ca. 1948
Parte de Millicent Buckley fonds
Photo of Kenneth Buckley and Bobby Stephen on the stone fence in front of the Maynard home, northeast corner of Esquimalt Rd. and Head St.