Affichage de 3 résultats

Description archivistique
Frank De Gruchy fonds
CA PR107 · Fonds · 1963, 1989

Fonds consists of photographs of an Esquimalt Public Works truck (1963) and of the Esquimalt Fire Department trucks (1989).

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Douglas Gosse fonds
CA PR131 · Fonds · 1920-1929

The fonds consists of a high school certificate and diploma of D. Gosse and a CPR logbook for the Princess Alice (1929) kept by Gosse as first officer.

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Ken Steer fonds
CA PR360 · Fonds · 1947-1991

Fonds includes materials created during Ken Steer's career at Yarrows, including photos of Yarrows employee events, and vessels during construction, predominantly the "Jacob Henkel" ferry.

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