Mostrar 144 resultados

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HMCS Naden

Usado por: Naden

  • 1922-
14 0
Veterans' Cemetery Esquimalt

Usado por: Esquimalt Veterans' Cemetery, God's Acre

4 0
HMC Dockyard Esquimalt

Usado por: Yarrows Ltd.

197 0
Macaulay Point

Usado por: Macaulay Point Park, Fort Macaulay

  • Macaulay Point is still owned by the federal government. In 1985, Mayor Ken Hill of Esquimalt signed a 99 year lease with the Canadian Government granting Esquimalt leave to trespass on Macaulay Point for recreational and historical purposes.
33 0
Vernon (B.C.) 2 0
Uruguay 1 0
Esquimalt (B.C.) (72)

Usado por: Esquimalt

25 0
Aldebury Street 1 0
Esquimalt High School (1960-present)

Usado por: Esquimalt Senior High, École Secondaire Esquimalt High School

  • Current location
2 0
Comerford Street 4 0