Air travel

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          Air travel

            14 Descripción archivística resultados para Air travel

            14 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
            Seaplane at Brunsdon's Wharf
            CA PR011-994-103-003 · Unidad documental simple · 1928
            Parte de Durrant family fonds

            Photo of seaplane, Boeing C-204 Thunderbird, taking on passengers for free city flight. Dock at foot of Pioneer St. (Brunsdon's Wharf). Boys won contest run by Rexall Drug Co., at Fulmers' Drug Store, Esquimalt & Admirals Rd. Ernie Durrant was one winner. Contest winners decided by most prescriptions ordered by family. Looking East toward Signal Hill.

            Seaplane at Brunsdon's Wharf
            CA PR011-994-103-001 · Unidad documental simple · 1928
            Parte de Durrant family fonds

            Photo of seaplane, Boeing C-204 Thunderbird, in Esquimalt Harbour, taking on passengers for free city flight. Dock at foot of Pioneer St. (Brunsdons' Wharf). Boys won contest run by Rexall Drug Co., at Fulmer's Drug Store, Esquimalt and Admirals Rd. Ernie Durrant was one winner. Contest winners decided by most prescriptions ordered by family.

            Seaplane at Brunsdon's Wharf
            CA PR011-994-103-002 · Unidad documental simple · 1928
            Parte de Durrant family fonds

            Photo of seaplane, Boeing C-204 Thunderbird, in Esquimalt Harbour, taking on passengers for free city flight. Dock at foot of Pioneer St. (Brunsdon's Wharf). Boys won contest run by Rexall Drug Co., at Fulmers' Drug Store, Esquimalt & Admirals Rd. Ernie Durrant was one winner. Contest winners decided by most prescriptions ordered by family. Note Signal Hill in background (looking East).