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210 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
CA PR051-v986-019-001 · Unidad documental simple · ca. 1940-1960
Parte de William T. Rutherford fonds

Photo of Esquimalt #4 streetcar and Municipal Garbage truck after a collision on Esquimalt Road, approximately opposite St. Paul's Church. Ted Williams (leaning on shovel), Fred Pick (Garbageman holding chain), Bill Rutherford (in cap and long coat), and Mr. Harper (with hat on behind tow truck).

CA PR293-996-021-001 · Unidad documental simple · ca. 1910
Parte de Arlene Nelms fonds

Photo of men standing with a loaded Silver Springs Brewery truck near intersection of Esquimalt Road and Catherine Street. Ice house in background on left. One of the centre men is the donor's grandfather who was a shipper.