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Descrição arquivística
Esquimalt Archives Collection
CA AC001 · Coleção · ca. 1850-1990

The collection consists of single or small accumulations of photographs, textual records, maps, and other material donated to the Esquimalt Municipal Archives by unknown private individuals, businesses, and organizations over many years.

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Anonymous Naval Collection
CA AC002 · Arquivo · ca. 1924-1950

Collection consists of photographs and textual materials which primarily concern the naval travels of the collection's creator during the 1940s. Much of the content documents time spent on Royal Canadian Navy ships.

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Arthur J. Daniels collection
CA PR002 · Arquivo · 1910-1948

The fonds consists of work journals (1910-1948) created by Daniels at Yarrows shipyards, as well as docking books (1922-1926, 1927-1930, 1940-1942).

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Jack Boutilier fonds
CA PR003 · Arquivo · ca. 1900-1997

The fonds comprises of a wide variety of material related to Esquimalt people, buildings, sports and organizations. This includes, but is not limited to, papers related to "Saving the HMCS Naden Military Band" campaign in 1993-1994, photos of Remembrance Day parades, videotape of XV Commonwealth Games and various sport crests.

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Jack van Dalen fonds
CA PR004 · Arquivo · 1900-2008

The fonds consists of photographs of various Esquimalt scenes, including homes, naval and military subjects, Esquimalt parks projects and public events, such as Buccaneer Days. Also included are various stories authored by Jack Van Dalen.

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Ruth Craven fonds
CA PR005 · Arquivo · ca. 1904-1945

The fonds consists of photographs of the Craven family and of parks, streets, ships, and houses at Esquimalt. It also includes 1 page sheet of family info by Ruth Craven.

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Velma Petch fonds
CA PR006 · Arquivo · 1920-1930

The fonds consists of photographs of Lampson Street School classes, choirs and groups.

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Georgina Anderson fonds
CA PR008 · Arquivo · ca. 1888

The fonds consists of a copyprint of staff and students at Craigflower School ca. 1888.

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Sandra Booth fonds
CA PR009 · Arquivo · 1956

Fonds consists of original sepia photographs of Sandra Booth (nee Dodd) as May Queen with and without attendants.

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