The fonds consists of photographs of Yarrows Ltd. shipyard and other Esquimalt scenes.
De Costa, EdwardPhoto taken on ocean side of falls looking up the inlet. Narrow log bridge with unidentified individual standing on it. Tide is going out.
Fonds consists of photographs of Lampson Street School class groups, Canadian Girls in Training group, workmen at the dockyard, Edith Goodwin, and photos and textual records pertaining to Elizabeth Rowe.
Goodwin, Chris J.Photo of Esquimalt village taken from Signal Hill. St. Paul's church on left.
Photo of class for the first free public school in BC. The building stood just outsde where the main gate of HMC Dockyard currently stands.
Photo of the original home built by the Pooley family at 620 Lampson Street, before major additions were made in the 1890s.