
Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Refers to women in the workforce, leadership roles, and municipal offices.

Source note(s)

  • http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85147274

Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms


      Equivalent terms


        Associated terms


          178 Archival description results for Women

          CA PR111-993-010-001 · Item · ca. 1900
          Part of Maureen Duffus fonds

          Photograph of Mrs. G.A. McTavish with daughters and unidentified boys. Seated, Mrs. G.A. McTavish. Standing, Rita (Margaret Cecilia) McTavish Hughes. Seated on ground, Dorothy McTavish Heddle (later Downing) and 2 unidentified boys. The boys are possibly Mrs. G.A. McTavish's two sons, Duncan and Claus McTavish.

          CA PR263-995-011-004 · Item · 1901
          Part of Pooley family fonds

          Photo of group taken at 620 Lampson Street, in front of "Fernhill" house. Identifications are: Apollo the horse, Temple the dog, Madeline Wilson (left), Eva and Laird Holmes (right), and Violet Pooley.

          Huchinson family
          CA PR350-000-026-005 · Item · ca. 1905
          Part of Hutchinson family fonds

          Photo of Thomas Hutchison (father) and Mary Jane Hutchison (mother) with their daughter(?), Jennie. Possibly Hutchison sons on veranda. Identifications by donor.

          CA PR124-v989-044-002 · Item · ca. 1908
          Part of McCurdy family fonds

          Photo of a family tea party, (L-R): Mrs. E. Hart, Miss Wartman (Aunt Harriet's companion), Ted Hart, Mrs. A. W. McCurdy, Ellen Hart, Leonora McCurdy, Mrs. A. Melville Bell (Aunt Harriet), Harriet McCurdy, W. Melville McCurdy.